Out of Character for Omega

O M E G A + A G E N C Y

always watching...

We won't belittle you with some disturbing anecdote about who's beneath the bed or beware what goes bump in the night if you aren't particularly good this year. You. Out there. Governor. Senator. Tzar? Oh yes. None of you are above a cold, brutal end. Should your name come across our desk, you will be found, and learn the meaning of a truly thorough job well done. Sleep well. For now.

August 2016


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Aug. 6th, 2016



Hi kids

Are we still alive?

Jul. 26th, 2016




I'm Keegan, nice to meet ya. I've been out of RP for a loooooong time, so please excuse me while I readjust to playing again. :) I have brought in this lady here, Keila Mizrahi. She's the daughter of an Israeli diplomat, MIT graduate, former OMEGA espionage agent, and now member of the explosives team.

OMEGA recruited her fresh out of MIT after getting her degree in chemistry (and she minored in electrical engineering). She became a field agent and was a damn good one too 'til she took a bullet to the knee. The damage to her knee was severe enough that even though it's pretty much healed, it'll ache and bother her if she overworks it. That took her out of the field and the Bombshell, funnily enough, went back to her true passion: explosives!

She will have light conversation with people, but she has a very small number of friends within the agency itself. So if you want to be part of that inner circle, lemme know. But she's been with OMEGA since she was around 22ish, so about seven years now. She has history! Any lines need filling that she might work for? Lemme know.


Jul. 20th, 2016



Hallo game!

I've been kindly allowed to bring in Tommy Bright, a somewhat hyperactive 25 year old ex-prostitute and former mental health patient, now employed at OMEGA as one of their Tech: Search & Destroy guys. His codename is Kaboom, which says all it needs to really, and he's been working at the company for about six years now. He can more often than not be found at his workstation which is bristling with monitors and computers, most of them self-built, eating pixie sticks, drinking coke and talking to his monitors or his cat China White.

He's always listening to music and almost always in motion of some kind, has a happy greeting for almost everyone and comes across more like a bored kid playing around with high tech computers than a professional hacker.

He's been with the company for a while so I'd imagine he knows a lot of people. He'll flirt with anything and everything and has had a numerous amount of hook ups but hasn't let himself be emotionally attached to anyone, yet. Former/current fuckbuddies, just friends, other Tech agents, everyone and anything is welcome.

♥ you guys, you're all awesome

Jul. 17th, 2016



Uh hi. New player. What's up? I'm queasy and tired so I probably have a cold or something but here I is.

Um! Characters!

This is Eden Greer, a linguist specializing in Germanic languages and some minor codebreaking. She's had quite the shitty start to life, which includes being locked in an attic for days on end, but went through extensive therapy for years to become a functioning human being which she only got because her parents were killed in a home invasion. Lucky her. She's awkward and has very strange interests and is pretty damn smart.

Uh, lines, idk. Everything? People to force her to be social especially. Otherwise, she'll just stay in with a book and her cats, thanks much.

Also, I bring in [info]bigblackbird Corbin Corvinus (a name he chose after escaping his previous group). Born in a very rural area in South Korea, his parents essentially sold him to a small time human trafficking ring just to make end's meat. He was never "purchased" so he ended up being used by the gang as an enforcer and a torturer. At least, until he poisoned them all and mutilated their bodies. No surprise that he's Munitions here, with specializations in "enhanced interrogation." He's an odd duck, to be honest. Friendly but a habitual liar. If you asked him about his family, he'd tell you they were a block of cheese and a small chicken or that he hatched fully grown from an egg. He likes lollipops and makes jewelry from objects that he finds. But he's also not opposed to punching someone in the mouth if they look at him funny.

Lines for him include friendlies, platonic cuddlebuddies and people he creepily flirts with. Also anyone who might have connections to Asian gangs but not necessarily his small time crew - just enough connection to maybe get him confused with them for hilarity's sake.



Good morning comm. Alus, Mod 1 here, I'm taking this moment to be kind of vulnerable with you all. I know we are new and I suppose that can account for some of the slow traffic, but on my part the reason I have been not so quick to reply or get back to your questions and adds and so on is this week has been a disaster.

There was a birth and nearly two deaths in my family in the span of two days within it. All in the same state, not 20 miles from me.

I am currently working on the adds and coding and stuff now. So if you put in an app or left me a comment, I'll be trying to get to that now. If you're wondering what's supposed to happen with the plot so we can move on. I'm sorry. If you've been stuck in limbo, it was not my intention.

Thank you for being patient. And having a continued interest in our community.


Jul. 12th, 2016



Good morrow fellow RPers! Comm-patriots! Was that pun too much? XD Anywho~ Alus here :3 I would first like to say, I hope everyone saw and ran the friend button. I had talked it over with MOD 2 and planned tonight to put up the first MODly plot point, though after DCJ asked for an extension on her second character I wonder if it would not be a bit more considerate to wait until said character is complete and then toss it up. The only reason there is a debate here is because we are new and there are so few of us. 6 is a nice round number, true, but with 7 and the varied job classes waiting a day or so may not be so bad. However, getting the ball rolling on the plot itself and then letting the new kid jump into the fray couldn't hurt.

Comment and let me know, A.S.A.P. Jon and I will talk it over further and likely do what we think is best but we will take your thoughts into consideration of course!

On to the next one!

My kiddies! First [info]sylvestrov; my Russian baby. Oh that he weren't so irritable. Though his ways of showing it are... ~huffsigh... not so obvious. He is selfish, inventive, and tactful. It's been very useful for him. Via his family ties he is connected to the Russian Mafia, although he hadn't really meant that to be his life. His origins are closer to the coastal most parts of the Country; Salekhard. Cold but beautiful and oil filled. Andrei Grigoriy Feofan Sylvestrov II came from a family of power and means and never quite learned to be humble or without hubris. It is simply not in his DNA. Not on either side of his family. OMEGA came to him what seemed to be because of his enjoyment in taking initiative in his business dealings, very 'hands on'. Extreme perfectionist.

When it comes to lines for him; I suppose I could use others he's come upon from other factions. I.E. Yakuza, Chinese Mafia, and so on. That would be interesting if they could be recruited into OMEGA. Maybe someone to annoy or challenge him, perhaps someone to befriend him if that's even possible. I'd love to see that happen. Ugh. XD

Next! [info]vbkhyber; What can I even say about this guy? Too friendly? Jeez. Uhm. Vaughn... Vaughn is enigmatic. He seems so simple and easy and transparent because he is always smiling and approachable and demure (oddly yes, I do mean a little feminine, he does seem a little... soft, gentile, perhaps timid XD), all things considered I'm not sure this is so. I've yet to delve deeply into his persona to see his innermost soul, but truthfully I think there is much more than meets the eye. In any case, he is the head honcho here at the branch. Your go to guy. If ever you have an issue; be it an HR complaint, question about HEADQUARTERS, about your assignment, partner, placement... things like that... he's your guy. He seems to be a strictly business type of guy when it comes to his personal matters. He has weaknesses just like everyone else but he'd rather deal with others problems than his own.

Ideally for him it would be great to just get to know everyone. It's a wild feat but if this does not happen he does not achieve the position he is created for. So please keep in mind what Vaughn's job is. Otherwise, friends, maybe his ex (wow that's torture, but it could be interesting), or even the guy or girl she wound up with that cuased the divorce. Somethings like that! :3

Hopping off the soapbox nao~



Hola chicas!

I'm Jon, one of the modly mods here. I've said hello in other people's posts, but thought I'd put up an official intro post for you guys. Nice to meet all of you. I like long walks on the beach at sunset while wearing no shoes so that I feel the sand and surf between my toes nah just kidding about that. XD I've only got two people here atm. Isaac is at this journal, and as I've said elsewhere, he's the head of medical department at Omega. He's been there for a few years now and loves his job quite a bit. Wouldn't change a thing about it! At work, he's very stoic and can be a little standoffish, but he's really a nice-ish guy. He has his moments, like anyone else. He's super fun and flirty outside of work, though, and loves to go have drinks with people. He just tends to be more distant at work because emotions like that can get in the way of proper help.

I've also got Douglas at [info]damartensen. He's a little bit of a twisted individual I guess is a good way to put it. Normally he's pretty chill and polite, if not a little quiet. When someone sites him, however, he wants revenge. This can be anything from blatantly ignoring them to treating them like shit to their face to pretty much anything. Depending on what they do, his revenge cam be pretty nasty. With friends, he tends to be a little more chatty than normal and is very loyal to them.

I'm pretty much open to everything, so feel free to hit me up at any time. <3

Jul. 11th, 2016




I'm Charlie with Nora here who is a lawyer. Her inspiration in life is Lady MacBeth of the infamous play, which should tell you a lot XD She's a competitive person who looks at the system and goes' this is broken, I'm going to take advantage of it'. She knows power and money make the world go round, so to speak and therefor doesn't really have any issues representing OMEGA and it's people.

Family is super important to her and she also likes aquariums and fish. And obviously Shakespeare. As for lines, I'm sure she knows (at least of) the various people working in OMEGA and as a friendly person would be making friends (because it's also useful to know the person able to kill someone with a toothpick is on your side). Exes, current partners, or even her fellow lawyer would be awesome :D

Looking forward to having fun with you guys :D




I am SO excited and relieved to have been accepted! I can't wait to play with you guys!

I'm DCJ (21+, GMT) and I've got Nikolai Kuzntsov, man of many names, professional codename: ButcherBird, munitions employee, former Russian Bratva member doing assassination work, former youth member of the Berkut

Niko is 19 years old and comes to the UK from Russia via the US. He's relentless, efficient, competent, all those good things, and ridiculously bashful when it comes to guys he likes - he's never been kissed and doesn't know what to do with himself around them. Other than that he's a pretty quiet, reserved guy but he's pleasant enough and he'll chat if he's approached

Lines-wise he's open, friends, enemies, the usual, an older guy for a love interest would be hysterical great and maybe the guy who was his 'handler' back in the Bratva now come over to OMEGA? I don't know

Once again, I'm so excited to play with you all! Thanks for having me :)

Jul. 6th, 2016




Our community for the Out of character chatter. Intro's, Hiatus posts, and general mish-moshary.